Businesses that engineer products have a unique set of requirements in order to succeed. Creating complex items means each stage of production must be carefully tracked and stored alongside a running cost to confirm that a job is running on budget. At the same time, you’ll want to store any additional time and expenses against each job, creating reports when necessary. Sound like a lot to handle? Engineering Product Management Software facilitates all of this for modern manufacturers.
Collect and store costs against individual jobs
It is not uncommon for companies who specialise in engineer-to-order products to begin a job without a precise idea of what the final cost will be to their business or to the end customer. Thankfully, Product Data Management integrated with your ERP product allows you to collect and store running costs against a job – reducing the chance of nasty surprises if costs spiral.
Mobile apps capture hours and expenses on the go
It is not uncommon for staff to accumulate hours at a customer site or to build expenses away from their on-site office. Traditionally, this can lead to inaccurate information or missing data that is hard to verify further down the line. Product Data Management allows your staff to enter time and expenses on the move with mobile apps that store all information centrally.
Pull reports that are accurately updated from across the business
It’s one thing keeping data on file but how about making use of that data to minimise mistakes and predict customer behaviour? Product Data Management allows you to create reports that can be used to inform decision making around inventory levels and lead time, improving customer satisfaction in the long run.
Epicor Kinetic ERP
Epicor Kinetic ERP provides powerful cloud-based tools to help manufacturers become more streamlined and profitable. Built specifically for the sector, Epicor Kinetic ERP is tailored to the needs of the modern manufacturer – providing seamless integration with Industry 4.0 technologies and familiar end-user experiences.