Get more from ERP.
Our Epicor and Kinetic ERP consultancy offer helps you get the most from your ERP software. At CBO, we believe that finding the right software is only part of the problem – matching your processes to your new software and navigating unexpected pain-points is the area where we come into our own.
In this sense, our ERP consultants act as a guides, who offer insights and expertise to ensure smooth transitions across the business to your new ERP system. Our industry and software knowledge combine to provide much needed support during a high pressure project, turning down the heat and ensuring tasks are executing successfully .
Industry experience
The CBO team consists of experienced Epicor and Kinetic ERP consultants who not only boast unparalleled insights into ERP software, but also understand the manufacturing industry and how to deliver real value to our customers. It is out firm belief that our expertise should be delivered without jargon and with the success of your business in mind. Therefore, we will always be honest, open and proactive in doing what is best for you and your organisation.
Focused on adding value
We recognise that implementing software without careful consideration of how value is added to your business is a fundamental mistake. Our focus, therefore, is to optimise your Epicor or Kinetic ERP software, along with your business processes to drive value and improve your bottom line.
Sensitive to your business needs
We consider one of our key strengths to be our sensitivity to your business needs. All of our Epicor and Kinetic ERP consultancy experts boast not only years’ of experience with Epicor, but years’ of experience working closely within industry. This allows us to make decisions that are pertinent to your business requirements, as opposed to adopting a ‘one size fits all’ approach. You can therefore rest assured that our offer is agile and flexible enough to accommodate the needs of the industry you work within.